- Opening up healthcare - A new law on crossborder healthcare outlines who can seek treatment and who foots the bill. Date: 15/02/2011 Duration: 04:13 - http://europarltv.europa.eu/en/player.aspx?pid=704c2ff9-abdb-40f8-b338-9e8b00b74a4c
- Crossborder: Medical tourism - Who should pay if you want or need to go abroad for treatment? Will crossborder healthcare lead to a two-speed health system benefiting richer patients only? Date: 25/11/2010 Duration: 15:30 - http://europarltv.europa.eu/en/player.aspx?pid=d5e9f3ce-a2eb-4e27-a548-9e390094dd43
- If you need emergency treatment crossborder healthcare can work well, but routine care can leave patients with the double headache of red tape and high expenses. Date: 25/11/2010 Duration: 04:38 - http://europarltv.europa.eu/en/player.aspx?pid=6f447ca0-b95c-4113-91a2-9e390097b569
- Reporter: Crossborder healthcare - Dentists in Hungary are smiling: their affordable prices are attracting customers from all over the EU. Date: 25/11/2010 Duration: 02:57 - http://europarltv.europa.eu/en/player.aspx?pid=01b11a63-a5a7-4c8f-8394-9e390097a6b1
- Visit http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/videos/index_en.htm for others
Monday, 4 April 2011
EuroparlTV videos on EU patient mobility
New short videos available about cross-border patient mobility within the EU: